ATTENTION ALL PASTORS! Have you not yet realized that your church functions more like a business than it does a living body? Have you not yet realized that most of your church’s practices, methods, and policies do not come from the Bible but rather from man-made traditions? Isn’t the Book of Acts the biblical model for how a church should function? Does your church operate like the church of Acts? Why then haven’t you made reforms? Are you afraid of losing members, money, or popularity? What’s stopping you? Are you sure you’re doing what’s right in the sight of the Lord? Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees, and every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. If you have ears to hear, hear this: Repent! The modern church is collapsing; escape from within its walls! You will lose certain luxuries and comforts, but you will gain truth and a life that pleases God! If you truly desire to change and if you’re ready to make any sacrifice that’s necessary to obey the commands of the Word of God, then start by reading this book. If you have the audacity, dare to accept a drastic renovation!