1. Our Focus – We provide believers with a foundational understanding of the Bible’s message, focused on Christ and His walk. Students learn how to step into a bold, Christ-like life that’s rooted in intimacy with God, communion with the Holy Spirit, and obedience to the Word.
2. BibleACTS – Empowering believers to be doers of the Word. BibleACTS is our mobile app containing chapter-by-chapter Bible commentary, reading plans, and Bible courses, providing believers with an aid for their personal study of God’s Word and growth in Christ. The focus is helping you know how to put God’s Word into action in your daily life. To download the app, visit bibleacts.com. If you’d like to take an online video discipleship course on your desktop, or learn more, CLICK HERE.
If people turn from their sins in repentance toward God (Acts 2:38, 3:19, 17:30-31, 26:20, Mark 1:15), if they believe the Son–Jesus Christ (John 3:16,36, Acts 5:31, 10:43, 13:38, 22:16, Luke 24:47), and if they choose to follow Him in obedience to His Word (Hebrews 5:9, John 8:31-32,51, 14:15,21, 15:5-8), they will receive forgiveness for their sins and inherit eternal life (Acts 2:40, 26:18, 1 John 5:11-13).
Christ was crucified to suffer the judgment of God that we deserve and to put our sin to death (Isaiah 53:1-6, Romans 6:5-6,10-11); He was buried to bury our old nature (we are buried with Him in baptism) (Colossians 2:11-13); and He was resurrected so that we might be raised to the new life of righteous living, through faith in Him (Romans 6:4,11-14, Luke 1:74-75, Ephesians 2:8-9, 4:22-24).
All who obey Jesus are given the Holy Spirit as the proof, guarantee, and down-payment of their salvation (Acts 5:32, 15:8-9, Ephesians 1:13-14).
We preach this message to make disciples of Christ and expand His kingdom until He physically returns to establish His kingdom, superseding and destroying all other governments (Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14,18,26-27). Then the saints will reign with Him on earth for eternity. Amen!